Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Don't Call Us...We'll Call You

That's right. As of August 5, our Voice-Over-IP service no longer is our service. They just forgot to mention this little tidbit via e-mail, phone call, telegram, singing telegram, courier, UPS, DHL, USPS, or any other way of getting our attention. After hearing that calls weren't coming through, Ryan checked the site and sure enough:
While services to customers may be discontinued at anytime, all services will be discontinued no later than August 5, 2007.
Our cell phones still work and are, as usual, the best way to get in touch with us. We will, however, have to change our phone number. Give me 5-6 months before you hold me accountable to knowing our new one.


Aaron & Cassie said...

Hey, Kari! It's Cassie Thompson (Hottell as you know it)...just say your blog and it's been forever since I've seen/heard from you. How are things? Check out our blog...Hope to hear from you soon.