Sunday, June 3, 2007

I Made It...

Greetings from Silverton, Colorado!

Memorial day weekend we were out to Durango
for a little bike race for Ryan. Alyssa and I made it past the
cutoff and over the mountain with the kiddos in the back
showing a little brotherly love.

He did the Durango-Silverton Iron Horse citizens race

(timed only by the individual bikers) in 4 hours and 29 minutes.

Excellent for this flatlander. :-)

He was glad to bike with Ron and glad he made it over the mountain!

We watched Barry in a criterion in downtown Durango on Sunday. These guys are flying.
You can see Barry on the front row at the starting line in a blue jersey.

Someone said this looks like Ryan and me. She looks interested in the criterion.

Sunday night we went out to the Bar-D for the dinner and music. Brae loved the train.


Gretchen said...

Wow! Two new blogs, I hadn't checked for a while! Now that Doug is about 70 lbs lighter I said he should try the Iron Horse next year. I sadi he was up for it but would have to train at Mt Hood for the altitude.