Thursday, February 21, 2008

Sayings from the Fridge

While visiting friends of ours this week we found a quote on their fridge. When asked what it was, the mom replied that these are things she cannot believe she has had to say to her son.

"You play the piano with your fingers not your bottom."

Ryan and I can still giggle about this as we are not yet in need of making such statements. Our day will come.


tbdch said...

What is awful is when you catch yourself saying things your parents said that drove you crazy and you swore that you would NEVER say it, and yet somehow it pops out of your mouth.

All American Family said...

De-lurking now to say I haven't laughed this hard in a looooog time! I can so see myself having to say that some day! Kids are absolutely amazing "creatures"! Thanks for posting this.

Alyssa said...

We can't wait till "your day will come" How exciting. Is this an announcement. :) Just kidding. I'm also surprised at the things tha come out of my mouth!

Regina said...

Funny statement!

Lynda B said...

"Our day will come."

I would love to be able to mark that day on my calendar! :D

Ryan & Kari said...

Just keep checking that comment on our blog. You'll know when to mark it on your calendar.