Tuesday, September 25, 2007


Ryan and I were talking about PVC pipe tonight. Everyone knows what PVC pipe is, but, without cheating (looking up the answer through any means), do you know what PVC stands for?


Lynda B said...

I have no idea...but the only reason I know what a PVC pipe is, is because of certain brothers and cousins of mine who built a spud gun out of one....(that'd be an object that spews a potato out of its end at a high velocity).

Gretchen said...

I have no idea what it stands for but I know what it is. My kids have a marshmellow shooter made out of PVC.

Regina said...


Regina said...

I finally looked it up today! Didn't realize it was two words. :-)

Traci K said...

Hi Ryan & Kari! I was guessing the same as Regina! Poly-vi-chloride is what I've heard it referred to. I guess I should know as I worked for a whirlpool manufacturer at one time in my career and that's what they use to make the jets. Come visit us sometime in Houston. We're at www.k4blogspot.blogspot.com. Mike almost made it to your Wed. night mtg. a couple weeks back as he was up your way, but I guess you had a power outage or something. Fun to see your blog! We'll link ya'!

Ryan & Kari said...

wow. we are totally impressed. ryan says he's most impressed by the marshmallow shooter.

MB said...

Polyvynalchloride.... everybody knows that....

tbdch said...

Premature Ventricular Contractions

(Irregular heart beat)