Tuesday, September 25, 2007


Ryan and I were talking about PVC pipe tonight. Everyone knows what PVC pipe is, but, without cheating (looking up the answer through any means), do you know what PVC stands for?

Monday, September 24, 2007

1st Semester Spanish Love Song

Nos llamamos Ryan y Kari. Sabemos un poco español. Este es un canción para ustedes.
(Gracias a babelfish translation).

Up, Up and Away

This weekend Natalie and Norman were visiting. Friday night, Ryan and I lost to the Houstonites at bowling, and are tied 1-1 in couples air hockey. We are hoping our bruises go away soon from the flying mallets. Natalie and Norman: we are up for a rematch any time!

Thursday, September 13, 2007


Ryan's had a fun week. He has been complaining of his tooth since getting a crown on it. After a trip to the dentist, he ended up with a trip to the endodontist...for an on-the-spot root canal. What could be better than that news?
I think I will be driving until he runs out of those fun pain drugs.
I am back at school. My kids were EXCEPTIONALLY good today. I kept staring at them, waiting for the riots to start. Am hoping this keeps up for the next 167 days. :-)

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

How Much are You Worth?

This is a fun calculator. I am worth even less than I could imagine. Maybe I will start working less while at work to make it all even out.

Monday, September 3, 2007

Where to now?

Ryan and I are thinking about our next trip in December. Any ideas for destinations? (We are especially interested in ones that will put stamps in our passports without emptying our bank accounts).