Thursday, June 21, 2007

Much Ado About Beans

On Tuesday, I threw some beans on the stove while I was running off to work, leaving a cute sign for Ryan to turn them off when he left for work. He worked from home, and forgot until he started sniffing a strange smell in the air. Burned, charred beans. He said he went downstairs and found it smoky.
Now, we are trying to get the smell out. It smells to me like we have come off of a smoking binge. We have ionizers going, baking soda and vinegar out...hoping all traces go away soon.
(Ryan did point out we could also have cool volcanos all over our house with the baking soda and vinegar!)
Any hints?


Gretchen said...

Lemons! Cut lemon and spread the juice everywhere!

Gretchen said...

P.S. Where are you off to work! Aren't you taking the summer off?

Ryan & Kari said...

of course not. i have been teaching summer school in the mornings and writing curriculum in the afternoons. Even more hours than usual, it seems.

RNJ Family said...

Hope you get to take some time off before school starts again.

Alyssa said...

Not sure about the bean smell, but I love Febreeze! When are you leaving to Peru?? Give us a call before you leave so we can wish you well!!