Thursday, May 24, 2007

Happy Dance

One more school year is over. I can't believe how fast it has gone. Seems like it shouldn't be summer, yet.
Ryan bikes on Saturday. He's looking forward to it. Says he'll finish in one hour since that's how long each training session has been. We'll post pics of him crossing the finish line.
Summer previews: Peru and the new Harry Potter...
What are your summer plans?


Terada Family said...

Moving to Oregon and a trip to Arizona for Ken's brother's wedding is all that comes to mind so far. Oh yeah, spending lots of time catching up with family and friends.


Gretchen said...

My summer plans. My two oldest daughters being back in Oregon, a trip to Durango/Silverton, getting our new retail store opened, lots of summer camps for the youngest and lots of Saturday breakfasts at Chef Tucker's.

I hope you sleep in at least a couple of days here and there.

Amy A said...

Lucky Duck. It's May 31st and my students' last day is tomorrow. Everyone is out before we are! We're going to try to RV to as many OK state parks as we can during our weekdays off together! Yea for being teachers!!

RNJ Family said...

We plan to read, sleep and eat...and maybe go to the gym we donate to every month.

Andrea said...

Dear Ryan & Kari,
Mom & Dad said I could come to your house this summer for a water balloon fight. We're headed to MT at the end of June for 2 weeks. I can't wait to see all my cousins again. love, Benjamin