Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Our Seattle Trip

Kari and I went to Seattle, WA for Jeff & Teresa's wedding. We showed up a few days early, and got to visit Kari's Aunt Diane and Uncle Hal, Kari's cousins Mark and Michele, and Kari's cousins Laurie and Steve. Trevor and Belinda's family was at the wedding, so we got to play with Dillon and Connor, and hold Halle.

We got to see Seattle from the ground, from the top of the Space Needle, and from a ferry boat.

It rained only when it wasn't drizzling, and the fish flew at Pike's Place Market. The most telling T-Shirt we found said, "Seattle Rain Festival, Jan. 1 - Dec. 31".

The happy bride and groom.

Halle turns 1!

Seattle skyline from the Bainbridge ferry.

Steve, Laurie, Diana and Brennan

Kari and Ryan at Snoqualmie Falls (taken from a point somewhere beyond a fence at the end of the trail, where we had to scrape by a sign that said something like, "DANGER! STOP! FLOOD WARNING! HALT! DO NOT CLIMB OVER FENCE TO GET A BETTER PICTURE!" Little did the sign posters realize that our name forms the last four letters of challenge.)


Regina said...

Oh my! I saw Steve and Laurie at Milltown last year, but those kids! How they've grown!

Gretchen said...

Okay here's the deal we only live 3 hours from Seattle had we known all of you were in Seattle I would have happily driven to spend and afternoon with you and/or take a hike, or to visit Pike's Market with you.

Gretchen said...

P.S. Thanks for the new blog update, I check your blog often so a new post is fun!

Ryan & Kari said...

r, they are huge. i remember them as babies and both are taller than i am! not that that is saying a lot. :-)
g, sorry, sorry. we thought of you when we flew over oregon. and talked about you. we'll call you next time. ryan had a LOT of my family to meet in a short time.

Andrea said...

The Salish Lodge overlooking Snoqualmie Falls is where we got married! Love that place. Miss you guy! lv, Andrea, Russ, & Benjamin

Alyssa said...

Love the waterfall picture! Kari looks like she is freezing:)
Hope you are doing well...glad you had a little weekend escape in Seattle!

Christi said...

I think the sign
challenges people to climb the fence and take the photo of a lifetime ;)

RNJ Family said...

Seattle is one of my favorite cities. Did you visit the new multi-million dollar Central Library downtown? It was designed by a Dutch architect and is very unique.

Jason, Sarah, Tristan, Wade, and Owen said...

I'm with Gretchen on this one. It would have been great to see you!! We were actually in Seattle the same weekend! Bummer!!