Thursday, September 13, 2007


Ryan's had a fun week. He has been complaining of his tooth since getting a crown on it. After a trip to the dentist, he ended up with a trip to the endodontist...for an on-the-spot root canal. What could be better than that news?
I think I will be driving until he runs out of those fun pain drugs.
I am back at school. My kids were EXCEPTIONALLY good today. I kept staring at them, waiting for the riots to start. Am hoping this keeps up for the next 167 days. :-)


Lynda B said...

I am soooo glad your kids are being good for you. I've already talked to Ethan's teacher 3 times about him not focusing in class! /sigh

Oh,and here's a big virtual "hug"!:-)

Modishakgoshi said...

it is good to know that ur kids are being good. but i must say i do not believe that this is going to last for the remaining school days. sooooorrrry.

Alyssa said...

Sorry about the root canal...yikes. We miss you guys!