Tuesday, June 17, 2008


We DID buy a camera, but have been lax with sharing our shots from our past few months. We have been pretty busy and have had company and projects going on at our house.

In March, my sister-n-law, her mom and our niece came to visit. We went to the Ft. Worth Botanical Gardens. In the second pictures, you might be missing the 7th monkey hiding behind Michele.

We went out to Colorado over Spring Break. Ryan's family always amazes me at their cohesiveness. Here is a part of the clan in our family outing to the 'zeum. We also got to meet our newest nephew and watch him learn to limbo...

We started a small tiling project in our laundry room. Notice the new tile, ceiling (no more popcorn!), baseboards, and color! We also redid our downstairs bathroom. We like it.

Monday, June 9, 2008


But only for one day and only for me. I had the perfect summer day, sleeping in, going to lunch with friends, napping and reading through an afternoon thunderstorm.
Staff development for summer school is tomorrow, so my rest is short-lived.
What is your perfect summer day?