Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Ica News

We had some word from Ica. The Ramos family is safe. There was some damage to the wall surrounding their garden. They sent a few pictures of some of the damage. I thought I would include it so you could see as well. They said supplies are beginning to trickle in, but there is much fighting over the distribution of them, so that can be a bit scary.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Driving in the Rain

We were up in Tulsa to surprise Dad for his birhtday. We drove up in rain sent to us by the weather on the coast. We drove home in it. Dur to some mixed communication, we left about an hour later than we we thinking we would. When we got to Okmulgee, we were glad we came through late. The closed down Highway 75 through town after "10.5 inches of rain fell in about four hours." I kept exclaiming and pointing and the parking lots and fields that we filled.
Here's a link to an article and a slideshow.
And another: http://newsok.com/article/3106856

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Don't Call Us...We'll Call You

That's right. As of August 5, our Voice-Over-IP service no longer is our service. They just forgot to mention this little tidbit via e-mail, phone call, telegram, singing telegram, courier, UPS, DHL, USPS, or any other way of getting our attention. After hearing that calls weren't coming through, Ryan checked the site and sure enough:
While services to customers may be discontinued at anytime, all services will be discontinued no later than August 5, 2007.
Our cell phones still work and are, as usual, the best way to get in touch with us. We will, however, have to change our phone number. Give me 5-6 months before you hold me accountable to knowing our new one.